Hello beautiful internet dwellers,
Don't worry I didn't forget ya, things have just gotten pretty hectic as of late! A lot of great things have been going on lately for myself and USU. First of all it is healthy relationship week here at USU, so in celebration we had a dating game that myself and a good friend (Erik Wynn) got to host. Following that I got to be on a relationship panel that got asked questions on how to maintain healthy relationships. It was overall a pretty great experience. Other events were an Area Government Retreat and the ever so insane Madi Gras celebration we have here at USU. This year I got to work some security for the DJ platform. Which was just overwhelming to look out at all the people dancing their guts out all over the dance floor. If you don't believe that last comment then check out the video below...
Told you, and if you want to see more then don't fret as there will be an episode about it, and there is always the simple solution of filling out that application online and come experience it for yourself. Anyways some of the other things I have going on are some way cool events such as the upcoming ASUSU elections. One I am really excited about is that I have been asked to host the Latino Student Leadership Conference. It is always exciting for me to bust out some of my culture, and even more exciting to be recognized as a leader! Overall this will be a great month and I will update for you again soon!
Be good to each other,
Chase Longino Casillas